Friday, April 8, 2016

Berry-licious Smoothie

<img src="Lisa-Machos.jpg" alt="Lisa Machos" <img src="That-Sexy-Dish.jpg" alt="That Sexy Dish"
I've made a decision to start gearing my food and supplements towards better skin care, so as such this smoothie is antioxidants, antioxidants, antioxidants! Great for clearing free radicals from your body and skin and still serving my needs for protein, and a quick, easy breakfast.

Includes Nuts & Dairy

Primary Nutrition Info (less whey protein option):

Calories-213| Protein-16g| Carbs-26g| Fiber-6g| Total Fat-5.5g| Sugar-7g| Sodium-255mg

Secondary Nutrition Info:
Saturated Fats-0g| Polyunsaturated Fats-.5g| Monounsaturated Fats-2g

(Since whey protein powders vary, please add your nutrition label information to the above if you choose to include a scoop.) 


1 /4 cup raspberries
1/4 cup blueberries
1/4 cup blackberries
5 almonds
1 pkg of whipped blueberry Greek fat free yogurt
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1-2 cubes of ice
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (optional)

Mix all ingredients with a hand blender or in a traditional blender and enjoy!

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