Wednesday, February 17, 2016


<img src="Lisa-Machos.jpg" alt="Lisa Machos" <img src="That-Sexy-Dish.jpg" alt="That Sexy Dish"
Includes Nuts & Dairy

Primary Nutrition Info (less whey protein option):

Calories-250| Protein-7g| Carbs-44g| Fiber-7g| Fat-7g| Sugar-2g| Sodium-171mg

Secondary Nutrition Info:
Saturated Fats-.25g| Polyunsaturated Fats-2.25g| Monounsaturated Fats-2g| Soluble Fiber-.5g| Insoluble Fiber-1.5g| Omega-3's-1200mg| Cholesterol-1.25mg

(Since whey protein powders vary, please add your nutrition label information to the above if you choose to include a scoop.)  

Prep Time - Approximately 5-10 minutes

Here is my favorite Breakfast Smoothie recipe which I have at least a few times a week.  I personally use a hand blender when making my smoothies, but a blender works just as well:

<img src="Lisa-Machos.jpg" alt="Lisa Machos" <img src="That-Sexy-Dish.jpg" alt="That Sexy Dish"
5-6 whole almonds
1 banana
1/2 apple
1 tbsp. ground flax seed
2 tbsp. of no fat, plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (optional)
1-1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1-2 cubes of ice
  1. Finely chop up the whole almonds and place in blender container.
  2. Chop up fruit (banana & 1/2 apple)
  3. Add scoop of whey protein (optional)
  4. Add tbsp. of flax seed
  5. Add yogurt
  6. Add milk, may vary based on size of ingredients, but should be enough to almost submerge ingredients.
  7. Add in ice cubes (may be a matter of preference if you have used frozen bananas)
  8. Sprinkle cinnamon to taste on top of smoothie and enjoy!

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