Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Decadent Poached Pears

The Greek poet, Homer, once described the pear as a gift to humanity and when it comes to this dessert recipe, that is not an exaggerated depiction.  Although this is a simple recipe, the rich ingredients and red wine syrup over the whole pear is as aesthetically pleasing as it is delicious.  I love to serve these with my Braised Beef Short Ribs Family Dinner, but this dessert is a great finish to almost every meal.

2 Bosc pears, ripened (if you have green, firm under ripe pears, adjust your poaching time for longer) and peeled
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1.5 cups sweet red wine (fruity, dessert wines such as a sweet Shiraz)
1/4 cup of Truvia sugar (or preferred sugar substitute)
1 vanilla bean
1 cinnamon stick
Optional Plating Additions:
Strawberry slices
whipped cream
Dark chocolate syrup
Milk chocolate shavings
  1. If your peeled pears are not standing upright on their own, cut the bottom, wide part of the pear to create a flat platform for it to sit upright.
  2. Squeeze the fresh lemon juice all over the peeled pears.
  3. Using a paring knife, split the vanilla bean down the center to open it, and scrape out the seeds (looks like fine coffee grounds) into a sauce pan.
  4. Add the wine, sugar, vanilla bean skin (and seeds) and cinnamon stick and bring it all to a boil.
  5. Lay pears into sauce pan and cover.  Cook pears for approximately 12 minutes on each side of the pear. (Gently turn over as pears will be softened and you want to avoid 'scarring')
  6. Once each side is stained with the red syrup, finish up by standing pears upright in pan to get the bottom stained.
  7. Place pears in a bowl or on a plate and refrigerate.
  8. Continue to boil syrup until it reduces by about half, then remove from heat and let thicken and cool (about 15-20 minutes)
  9. Place pears upright on serving plates, and drizzle red wine syrup evenly over pears.
  10. Serve with strawberry slices, puffs of whipped cream, dark chocolate syrup (add sparingly) and sprinkle with chocolate shavings.
  11. Serve and enjoy..!

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