Friday, May 6, 2016

Lemon Mousse Filling - Pancakes, Crepes, Croissants

My Lemon Mousse Filling is the basic recipe to my Limoncello Dolcini dessert.  Because I has to test a few different ways to make the dessert, I found uses for my other attempts, hence this lemon mousse filling.  This is especially good to sweeten pancakes (Such as found in my Mother's Day Brunch spread), crepes, and croissants with some fresh fruit in a more sophisticated taste and aesthetic than just syrup or jam.  I've also simply served it in as a small serving with a Fiber One brownie and some chocolate drizzled on the top to make a marbled dessert.  It is a very versatile treat. 

Ingredients- makes 4 servings:
1/2 cup of truvia sugar (or preferred sugar)
3 whole eggs
3 egg yolks
zest of 1 lemon
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 sticks of butter, pre-cut into 1/2 tbsp cubes, keep refrigerated
2 cups of whipped cream 
  1. Fill a pot with a few inches of water and bring to a rolling boil.
  2. In a metal bowl, or metal-bottom skillet, whisk the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and lemon juice.
  3. Once the contents are completely whisked, place the bowl or skillet over the pot with the boiling water (double boiler alternative.)
  4. Continue whisking contents over the heat quickly and continuously, ensuring the eggs do not cook into scrambled pieces.  The mixture should change from liquid, to frothy to a cream over approximately 5-10 minutes of constant whisking.  
  5. Once you have a semi-thick cream, remove from heat.
  6. Add in 4-5 butter chunks and mix until butter is completely melted.  Repeat this until all butter is melted into the mixture.
  7. Add half of the lemon zest to the
  8. Pass this mixture through a fine mesh strainer to remove any pieces of egg that may have cooked.
  9. Cover mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  10. When ready to serve, mix one part lemon mixture with 1 part whipped cream.
  11. Mix until combination whips up and has air in it to 'fluff' it up (as opposed to a pudding texture.)
  12. Pour over desired breakfast bread and top with fruit.

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