Friday, May 6, 2016

Mother's Day Brunch Spread

Even though my own mother has passed, we still honor her memory each year with a traditional Mother's Day Brunch. 
When it comes to Mother's Day brunches, I try to keep the spread beautiful, feminine and delicate, while still providing all the savory items of a well-rounded brunch. This brunch spread accomplishes that and simply omit the breakfast sausage from the Frittata ingredients to make this a vegetarian spread, if that is Mom's lifestyle.  Although we now celebrate Mother's Day with just two people, this spread can easily feed 4-6 people.  I hope this brings your families close and honor all the wonderful moms out there including all past, present and future moms!
On The Menu
Whole Wheat Silver Dollar Pancakes with Lemon Mousse & Fresh Strawberries
Cheese Hash Casserole
Recommended Beverage: Raspberry Bellini

Whole Wheat Silver Dollar Pancakes with Lemon Mousse & Fresh Strawberries
Ingredients - makes about 21 pancakes:
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup milk
1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup water
3 tbsp. melted butter
1 cup Lemon Mousse Filling (click for recipe, better if made night before) for every 2 servings
4 fresh strawberries, stems removed and sliced, for every 2 servings
Optional - pancake syrup
  1. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, milk, salt, eggs, water and 2 tbsp. of melted butter and mix well until batter is smooth without any lumps.
  2. In a skillet, or on a griddle, melt one tbsp. of butter over medium heat.
  3. Pour batter into the skillet (or onto the griddle) to make 4" diameter circles. (Ex. 3 silver dollar pancakes should easily fit in a regular sized skillet)
  4. When bubbles on the top form, flip the pancake over to cook the other side for approximately the same amount of time as the first side, or until golden brown.
  5. Repeat until all batter is used.
  6. Place 4 silver dollar pancakes (or more if desired, but  is the common number served) on each individual's plate.
  7. Sculpt a strip of Lemon Mousse across the pancakes (see picture)
  8. Place sliced strawberries as desired (on the mousse, sprinkled across plate, etc.)
The Lemon Mousse and strawberries provide good sweetness to the pancakes, but I provide syrup on the side as an option for guests with a very evolved sweet tooth!

1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup minced onion
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 medium-large zucchini, end removed and cubed
4 handfuls of fresh spinach
3/4 cup sliced Bella mushrooms
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
Salt & pepper to taste
6 whole eggs or egg substitute
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Optional - 1 pk. of frozen cooked breakfast sausage patties, thawed and cubed (approximately 1 and 1/2 cups)
  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat
  3. Saute onion and garlic for approximately 5 minutes.
  4. Add about an inch of water the skillet and add cubed zucchini and the spinach.  Cover and let vegetables steam for about 10 minutes or until spinach begins to wilt.
  5. Drain any excess liquid and return to heat.
  6. Add in Bella mushrooms, garlic powder, onion powder (and sausage as desired).  
  7. Stir well to blend to blend flavors.
  8. As mushrooms begin to cook, change heat to low and cover to finish cooking through for a few more minutes or until mushrooms are soften.
  9. Drain all excess liquid, pour veggies (and sausage) into a baking dish.
  10. Add the eggs and 1/2 cup of the shredded cheese. 
  11. Mix well until egg yolks are completely broken and cheese is well distributed throughout the mixture.
  12. Cover the top with the remaining cheese and bake in oven for approximately 15 minutes or until cheese is completely melted or a little longer if you prefer a crusted cheese top. 
Cheese Hash Casserole
1 pk of frozen shredded potatoes, hash browns (approximately 4 cups) somewhat defrosted (i.e out of freezer for about 15 minutes).
2 cans of cheddar cheese soup
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
2 tsp. red pepper flakes
2-3 cups shredded cheddar cheese

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. In a baking dish, combine hash browns, soup, onion, garlic powder, onion powder, red pepper flakes and 1/2 of the shredded cheese.
  3. Mix well until soup and cheese are evenly distributed and mixed into potatoes and onions.
  4. Cover the top with the remaining cheese.
  5. Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until cheese is completely melted, or a little longer if you prefer a crusted cheese top.

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