Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tequila Lime Jell-O Shots

These are a very cool addition to your drink station for home happy hours and in my case, I used it in my Cinco de Mayo Fiesta spread.  Using tequila over the traditional vodka in Jell-O shots adds a Mexican flare and the lime peel cups lend an authenticity more to your theme than the average paper or plastic mini-cup.  Use these with the Flan-tini & Key Lime Margaritas to provide a fun, festive and well rounded drink station for your fiesta!
Ingredients - makes 12 shots:
1 small box of lime flavored gelatin Jell-O
1 cup preferred tequila, recommend clear or silver
6 limes
  1. Halve the limes, and cut a slight piece off the ends so that the peels sit straight on their own. 
  2. Use a paring knife to cut around the peel (leave peel in tact) and remove the pulp, squeeze out any *excess lime juice.
  3. If needed use a spoon to completely scrape the peel clean of any residual lime parts.
  4. Wash the peels thoroughly.
  5. Prepare the lime Jell-O as per the box instructions, substituting the cup of cold water with the cup of cold tequila.
  6. Pour Jell-O mixture into lime peels and allow to set up in refrigerator for 4-6 hours.  
Enjoy...but please drink responsibly.

*Tip: I put the lime pulp and excess juice in an air tight container and use later for cooking or to flavor water and club soda.

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