Saturday, October 29, 2016

Halloween-themed Party Food Ideas

This post brings awesome but quick and simple Halloween party ideas (plus a few recipe tips and tricks) to turn your Halloween Party table into a featured attraction of the party, rather than an afterthought.  Couple ideas from here along with my Amazing Halloween Cocktails, and you're sure to be a hit with your guests, eager for your next Halloween celebration.  Don't forget to also check out 'The Walking Dead' Screening Party post for more Halloween and zombie apocalypse party decoration and food ideas...Enjoy!
On the Menu
Bloody Brain Shrimp
Pumpkin Face Veggie Tray
Real Deviled Eggs
Skull Meat & Cheese Tray
Jack O' Lantern Sliders
Dexter Blood Splatter Cupcakes

Bloody Brain Shrimp - This is a super easy and fun way to serve your guests shrimp cocktail.  I do recommend using a brain gelatin mold which are pretty common around this time of year or available at Amazon.
1 - 1 and 1/2 lbs shrimp, cooked, peeled, de-veined, tail-off
1 box of  gelatin 
cocktail sauce
  1. Prepare gelatin per box instructions.
  2. Pour shrimp into the brain mold and pour gelatin all over and mix in well. Be sure to pack the shrimp in tightly.
  3. Refrigerate for gelatin set as per the amount of time recommended on the gelatin box instructions.
  4. Remove from plastic mold, drizzle with cocktail sauce and pool around the base as desired.
Pumpkin Face Veggie Tray - a cute idea to arrange your veggie tray for the party is to make the carrots into the shape of a pumpkin.  We all know carrots are usually the most popular veggie at a party! Then simply use black olives, purple grapes, etc. to fill in eyes, nose and mouth.  Then use any other veggie (or veggies) you desire to be the background.  I simply used broccoli florets because that is typically the second most popular veggie at my parties.

Real Deviled Eggs
6 hard boiled eggs
1/4 cup onion, minced
1/4 cup marinated jalapenos, minced
1 cup olive oil mayonnaise
1-2 tbsp. chipotle flavored mustard
1 strip of red bell pepper, cut into small triangles making 16
1 tsp. red pepper

  1. Take peeled hard boiled eggs, and cut in half length-wise.
  2. Scoop out the yolks of each half and place into a mixing bowl.  Place empty egg white halves onto serving dish.
  3. Add in mayonnaise, onion, jalapenos and mustard with egg yolks and mix together well, breaking up the yolks to make a lumpy (small lumps) mixture.
  4. Transfer egg yolk/ mayonnaise to to a piping bag, or simply use a spoon to fill each egg white half with approximately a 1/2-3/4 tbsp. amount of egg yolk/ mayonnaise mixture.  
  5. Put red bell pepper triangles at one end of each egg (as horns or eyes, whichever you see fit)
  6. Sprinkle each egg with red pepper and serve. 
Skull Meat & Cheese Tray - You can set up a meat and cheese tray pretty easily with
whatever cuts and varieties you and your guests like.  An easy way to add Halloween flair is to build your meat cuts around a skeleton head (I go ahead cover mine with plastic wrap just in case the plastic is not meant to be touching food because of paint and what not) and then circle the bottom with your cheeses. (see picture above)

Jack O' Lantern Sliders - Anyone who likes cheeseburgers loves sliders as a party food item.  The fun part of Jack O' Lantern sliders is carving little faces into each slice of cheese.  ALthough this is a bit time-consuming, I do it as part of my pre-cooking and have it done the day before the party.  ANd it's lots of fun to come up with unique faces (makes for a great kid activity also)!

Blood Splatter Cupcakes - Even though this show is over, Dexter fans still love this Halloween party dessert.  Another fun twist but very easy effect.

1 box of red velvet cake mix
3 eggs
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 and 1/4 cup water
1 can of cream cheese icing
1 cup of powdered sugar
1/2 cup of milk
red food coloring

  1. Bake cupcakes as per the box instructions.
  2. Allow cupcakes to cool completely, then ice with cream cheese icing.
  3. Mix powdered sugar and milk to make your own icing.  Add more milk or less depending on the consistency you want (somewhat thinner and lighter given that this will be your blood splatter) Add red food coloring to get the desired red color.
  4. Transfer cupcakes to your serving dish and place in a cleanable area (I actually took mine outside)
  5. Using a small spatula, take some of your red icing and literally throw it onto your cupcakes to get a random splatter effect.

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