Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pizza Burger

Although my aim is to eat as healthy as possible, like all of us, I have my weaknesses.  I especially love CHEESEBURGERS!! And when I combine my love of cheeseburgers with pizza, it gets even better.  Here, as a feature to my Cheeseburger Paradise series, is a classic favorite: the Pizza Burger.  When there is a conflict over pizza or burgers, this one is a sure crowd-pleaser for everyone!!!

1 lean beef hamburger patty (or other, turkey, vegetarian, etc.)
1 whole wheat bun (or other desired bun)
2 tbsp preferred pizza sauce
1 tbsp. chopped yellow onion
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese (low-skim)
4 + pepperoni slices
1/2 tsp. oregano, sweet basil, garlic powder
salt & pepper to taste (optional)
Any other preferred pizza toppings.
  1. Season your hamburger patty with seasonings and salt & pepper as desired.
  2. Grill patty on barbecue or pan fry to slightly under desired rareness.
  3.  Remove patty from barbecue or pan and set aside.
  4. Build burger: Place patty on bottom bun, add pizza sauce and chopped onion.
  5. Add cheese and top with pepperoni and other additional toppings.
  6. Place burger back into skillet and cover for a few minutes until cheese is melted and flavors are blended.
  7. Remove from skillet.  Cut in half and serve...Enjoy!

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