Monday, October 3, 2016

The Zombie-tini

This is a fun libation to include at your Halloween celebrations, or in my case, as the signature cocktail at a "The Walking Dead" Screening Party or any other zombie-themed gathering.  It looks gross but trust me, it's so delicious, it's scary..!
2 parts vodka
1/4 part Midori liqueur
1/3 part Grand Marnier liqueur
squeeze of lime wedge
Approximately 1/2 tbsp. of grenadine
Optional garnish:
Strawberry sundae syrup
gummy worms

  1. Drizzle your martini glass with strawberry syrup starting at the lid and allowing it to drip (like blood) down the inside of the glass.
  2. Mix all the ingredients, except the grenadine in a martini shaker.
  3. Shake vigorously the contents in the martini shaker and pour into glass.
  4. Over a spoon, slowly pour grenadine until you have the desired amount of "blood dripping."
  5. Strategically hang 1-2 gummy worms off the lid of the glass...Enjoy!
Please drink responsibly...!

See below for decorating ideas for a zombie cocktail table:

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