Thursday, October 6, 2016

Oozy Floozy Cheeseburger

Although my aim is to eat as healthy as possible, like all of us, I have my weaknesses.  I especially love CHEESEBURGERS!! Most of us know how tasty the traditional, albeit controversy, Juicy Lucy/ Jucy Lucy is, thanks to the show Man vs. Food.  But to put the controversy to rest, I came up with the Oozy Floozy.  You can follow this recipe to get your classic Juicy Lucy or top the "Floozy" off with your favorite burger toppings; either way, all are sure to be hits at your next BBQ, cooking for your man or to satisfy that cheat meal craving!
2 lean beef hamburger patty (or other, turkey, vegetarian, etc.)
1 whole wheat bun (or other desired bun)
Slices yellow onion, tomato, and lettuce leaves
2  slices of cheddar cheese 1/4" thick, squares to fit in burger
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1 tbsp Pinot Noir wine
salt & pepper to taste (optional)
Any additional preferred burger toppings.
  1. Season your hamburger patties with seasonings (for an Oozy Floozy, add Pinot Noir) and salt & pepper as desired.
  2. Place cheese slices in center of patties and press the two patties around the edges as tightly as possible.
  3. Grill patty on barbecue or pan fry to slightly under desired rareness.
  4.  Remove patty from barbecue or pan and set aside.
  5. Build burger: Place patty on bottom bun, add lettuce, onion, tomato and other condiments to top bun.
  6. As is, most burgers will be on the pink side, which for rare, medium-rare lovers this is perfect, but for the complete Oozy Floozy, pop the patty in the microwave for 30-60 seconds and then build the burger with condiments and toppings.  This browns the meat completely (which I personally prefer) without burning the outside and makes the cheese extra "oozy"... Enjoy!

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